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Experience Biofield Tuning

Experience the power of Biofield Tuning by working individually with one of our Certified Biofield Tuning Practitioners, through an audio session or at our Biofield Tuning Clinic.



Work with one of our certified Biofield Tuning practitioners face-to-face or virtually. No corner of the world is too remote.




Participants in Group Audio Biofield Tuning sessions connect to live or recorded Biofield Tuning sessions via phone or internet while reclining comfortably wherever they are located.



Visit our Burlington, Vermont Biofield Tuning Clinic website to schedule an in-person or virtual session with one of our certified Biofield Tuning Practitioners. 

“During my Foundations training I received my first ever Biofield Tuning session.  It was by far the most profound healing experience ever!  When the session ended I didn’t have any pain in my lower back or legs...and (the pain) continues to be gone.  I also gained more mental clarity, (and have) been feeling an elated inner sense of happiness.  I’m feeling soooooo in love....with myself and life!”

Doncella "Vibrance" Laney 

Biofield Tuning Student

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