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Biofield Tuning Institute Research Update

Eileen Day McKusick

Updated: Jul 27, 2023

On December 10-12, 2018, the Biofield Tuning Institute (BTI), in partnership with scientists at the Consciousness and Healing Initiative (CHI), conducted grant funded, IRB approved, and soon to be submitted to peer-review research in La Jolla, California on the Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis.

This hypothesis states that a person’s memories are stored in standing waves of energy and information in the biofield, the weak magnetic toroidal field that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body.

Electric Ave.

Biofield Tuning is a practice that uses vibrating tuning forks to comb through and interact with the standing waves in this field - both diagnostically: to locate areas of turbulence and resistance related to historic traumatic inputs or experiences, and therapeutically: to settle and release those areas with pure tone through the physics principles of resonance and entrainment.

Researcher Eileen McKusick has spent the last 22 years mapping the vibrational terrain of the biofield, much like researchers have mapped the brain. Using the sounds produced by tuning forks like sonar, she discovered a specific map of memory storage and developed the ability to read a person’s life history like sonic braille, in great detail.

Over 1400 people worldwide have been trained in Biofield Tuning since 2010, and successfully work with the map and the method to uncover and help resolve historic and current stress in the system. Practitioners consistently report accuracy in their discoveries with the map, and clients consistently report feeling lighter, brighter, more free, less symptomatic, more resilient, and more.

Clearly it is a system that works. But making the claim that what we call mind and memory exists outside the body rather than inside as is currently believed is a big claim to make. Before we set off to try to make a device to detect these waves, the research team decided it was important to determine if “there really was a there there”.

Over the last 2 years, through grants from the Frances and Forrest Lattner Foundation, the team collaborated to come up with a protocol that would see if three different practitioners would find the same areas of turbulence and resistance in the biofields of volunteers. Several pre-pilot research days were conducted, data was gathered and sorted, and it was determined that there was enough correlation to conduct a more comprehensive study.

Each of the 10 volunteers came in one at a time and lay down on a treatment table with their eyes covered. Practitioners were scanning 4 “zones” with a 174 Hz tuning fork: the left and right sides of the sacral region and the left and right sides of the heart. A measuring tape was placed on the floor in each zone.

One at a time, each of the 3 practitioners entered the room and scanned each zone, noting areas of turbulence and bringing the fork down to the tape measure in each spot, calling out the numbers to the research assistant in the room. Areas of identification were limited to 5 in each zone.

As of this writing, we don’t yet have the data, which is currently being crunched by the data cruncher. However, in the course of doing the study, we made a number of very interesting observations that led us to feel that in the end, it didn’t matter what the numbers said because the process of conducting the research was terrifically intriguing in and of itself.

It is important to note that the study was not conducted to “prove” the existence of the biofield or the validity of the Biofield Anatomy Map and Hypothesis. Rather, it was to investigate the claim and to see what was discovered through that investigation.

Biofield Tuning and CHI Research Team

Here are some of the observations that were made:

**When the practitioners worked with volunteers in the few practice sessions they did before the actual study was conducted, they observed that they were not hearing the variations in tone they hear when conducting actual sessions.

It was concluded that they were holding themselves more like “machines looking for turbulence” rather than practitioners listening to the vibrational “stories” of an individual, and as a consequence they were finding only what they were looking for. It was decided they needed to change their mindset to be more like a regular session and less like research.

**One of the ten volunteers was familiar with Biofield Tuning and had received sessions from another practitioner. Her signal was much more clear and distinct to all 3 practitioners compared to the other 9 volunteers.

**An observation was made about a phenomenon that Eileen named “photon drag”: every ten inches or so, the fork would produce a signal seemed to be an artifact of moving the charged fork through the charged field, creating an effect like bunching up one end of a throw rug and manifesting a zone that appeared to be resistant but was actually just a consequence of the motion.

** The effect of belief and expectation on what was being perceived became highly evident. We seemed to find whatever we were looking for. This factor alone is a big part of what makes Eileen question if the Biofield Anatomy Map is “real” or just a construct of interaction and expectation.

In the end, the study raises more questions than it answers. This medium seems to be very useful for demonstrating “the observer’s effect on the observed”, and how people relate on a biofield level.

As of this writing, we haven’t gotten the statistics back from the person who is going over the numbers to determine if there is any kind of statistical evidence that supports the practitioners finding the same perturbations.

But regardless of whether there is correlation or not, the study went a long way towards opening up a wide vista of things to consider and do more research into. We will update this post once there is a green light to share the data. CHI and BTI will collaborate to write up the study and submit it to peer review journals.

BTI will be continuing work in 2019 with CHI and also undertaking several other research projects with other labs as well. After interesting pilot results (2018), BTI will be working with the Institute for Noetic Sciences (IONS) to conduct a study on volunteers receiving Biofield Tuning sessions at a distance.

We will have 10 receivers and 10 controls, all of whom will be connected to EEG and HRV monitors, as well as fill out pre and post questionnaires. What was interesting about the pilot, conducted with just one receiver and one control, was that both volunteers felt as though they received a healing - which brings the placebo effect to the table.

In addition, we will be working with Auras, Int’l, a team of plasma scientists in Toronto, to record the forks in a session in an anechoic chamber/ Faraday cage. We will be working with a number of different analytics and devices as well, to determine if we demonstrate the hypothetical bioplasmic membrane of the biofield.

While all of these projects are groundbreaking and exciting, we can’t do them without your help! Please consider making a donation, in any amount, to help move forward our understanding of the human biofield.

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