This is a compilation of previous speaking engagements

San Diego CA September 25-27 2015
Group Tuning and Synchronization
Eileen will be doing a group tuning at the outset of the conference in order to synchronize the group biofield and also giving a talk on the Biofield Anatomy.
San Jose CA October 22-24 2015
Biofield Tuning and the existence of consciousness outside the body
A demonstration of how and why our bodies are actually inside our minds, rather than the other way around
Mountain View California October 27 2015
Book signing and talk about Biofield Tuning (free event)
San Diego, CA September 20, 2014 Understanding the Human Biofield” : What is the “Energy” in “Energy Medicine”?
Oakland, CA September 26, 2014 Tuning the Human Biofield: A unique approach with tuning forks
San Diego CA October 4, 2014 Tuning the Human Biofield
The Art and Science of Sound as Medicine
Johnson VT, October 19, 2014 Dibden Center for the Arts, Johnson State College
San Diego CA March 20-22, 2015
The Human Biofield- the missing dimension in healthcare
Nourish Vermont: A Traditional Foods and Health Gathering
Shelburne Farms, Shelburne Vermont June 4-6 2015
The Human Biofield: The Missing dimension in Health Care
The Subtle Energy Retreat
Sept 25-27 2015 San Diego
Science and NonDuality Conference
Oct 23-25
San Jose Ca
East West Bookstore
March 11 and March 13 2016
Mountain View CA
April 22-23 2016, Puebla Mexico
The Human Biofield: The Missing Dimension in Health
April 25-30, Tucson Arizona
Poster presentation: The Biofield Anatomy Hypothesis
June 17-19, Phoenix Arizona
Sausilito CA Sept 24-26 2016
Sound Healing Research lecture and 1/2 day workshop on Monday after conference
San Jose CA Oct 21-23 2016
A demo on Biofield Tuning
Mountain View CA Oct 24 and Oct 25 2016
October 24: Free lecture
October 25: 2 hour workshop
Marlborough MA Nov 12-13 2016
Lecture and Booth
Saturday June 3, Shelburne VT
The Electric Universe, Syntropy and Your Wave Sense
June 5-10, La Jolla CA
June 14-17, Yale University New Haven CT
Therapeutic Sound and the Human Biofield
August 17-20, Phoenix AZ
Human Bioelectricity and the EU Model
October 23-27, Kripalu Stockbridge MA
Energenetics: The Tone of the Song of our DNA, and how we can modulate it with targeted sound inputs